
After taking over two years off, I decided I was ready to show up at a Memoir class again. Somehow I feel compelled to write about my life and some incomprehensible decision-making that affected all those who I love. But, without the structure of a class, I could easily find better things to do than to […]

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My Current Job

I have a new job. It is called being old, and it is a full-time position. Degeneration and decrepitude contribute to the time consumed by aging, but sometimes it is just an issue of being born during a much earlier era. Today I tried to figure out why my calendar doesn’t sync between my phone and […]

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Aging Order of Operations

We don’t get to pick the order of operations as we fade or explode into deteriorations or setbacks. Since having every part of us go kaput would be a critical system failure, most of us try to manage these sub-system breakdowns with some grace while we work to improve or accept whatever crappy situation our […]

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