Michael was headed to Costco later in the day, and I asked, “Will you put some ‘Men’s Small’ white t-shirts on the Costco list?” “Why do we need t-shirts?” “We don’t need them, but I do.” “What do you need those for?” “To wear to the gym.” Michael is a retired coach and aware of the […]
Category: Aging Gracefully . . . or Not!
“Aging gracefully” takes some honest thought and may never really apply to me, but I’m working on it!

Slaughtering Ecstasy
I don’t like to think of myself as a killer, but on occasion, I hunt and slaughter as efficiently as I can. However, this post isn’t about my prowess in carnage, but rather about what goes on in my head if someone else finds out about it. Mostly I’m non-violent. I try to eat vegetarian food and […]

Sanctuary from Me
It was innocuous enough, I showed up the first session of another writing class with a fat pen to go blah . . . blah . . . blah . . . at our writing prompt. This would be the only prompt in the term that I had to address without much reflection. On future […]
Angst Bunnies
Paralysis gripped me as I sat before my computer and thought about writing the specifics of any part of my past. It seemed like I was stuck in an insufferable loop of wanting to write, or at least knowing I should want to write, but still avoiding it. And then I realized I had danced […]
I was working less and thought that rather than twiddle my thumbs I would twiddle my fingers and write on a blog or two. I wanted to write with depth. I didn’t. I wanted to write in an engaging way. I couldn’t. The void was a problem so I signed up for a writing class. […]
The Assignment
After I began my first writing course, it took five weeks before I hauled myself into class without dread. I just didn’t know that profound wretchedness that would be coming before the end of the class. In an early “wild write” session during that fifth class, a student gave me feedback that turned out to be a […]
Quilt Over My Soul
My soul is covered with scabs that patch and shield from wounds that pierced my being and left gaping holes of loss inside. Those little crusty pieces of armor have become a quilt of puffy, beautiful, patches; each section created by thoughts that are tied with the strings of my heart to provide protection so […]
Wildfire Writing
I arrived in my first writing class, Wildfire Writing with all the wrong ideas and clueless about misery to come. The course description mentioned that any type of writing could be improved, so I assumed that meant boring old bloggers. I paid up and showed up to class with my computer in my backpack. As the Wildfire students gathered […]

Embracing Yuck
In a “Gray Matter” ” column for The New York Times Sunday Review December 31, 2016, neuroscientist Lisa Feldman Barrett writes about “superaging” based on her research and that of others who study the topic. Nice summary article. I need it right now as I struggle with WordPress and getting this website going. Dr. Barrett writes that to gain […]