I had an inspiration last week — a flat out, “no doubt about it” message that I finally heard loud and clear. It came to me in a dream that told me to act. Now! As my mother’s mind failed, she too had dreams and inspirations. Disconnected scenarios that caused her to act outside reality. […]
Category: Uncategorized

I Couldn’t Make This Up!
I did too much in the last four days. Overdoing it is my way of doing what I want, so giving myself a painful muscle spasm is no big deal and not the focus of this post. However, the person who I texted to bail me out is. Jeanette has received desperate texts from me […]
The Angry Earworm
Snow tires off but memories on The snow tires came off the car yesterday because April is coming. I used them earlier this month to drive a path toward personal enlightenment. But since I’m dense, it took some repetition and a lot of annoyance before I finally got the message. Great plans! I’d arranged to […]

The “Naked Lady” Hike
A frozen waterfall hike The “naked lady hike” took place earlier this month when I was with ten other members of the TrailGalz¹ hiking group I was lucky enough to join six years ago. We were not the ones who were naked in this story. The weather was cold, so we were bundled up and hiked […]

My husband, Michael, and I were having a pleasant road trip. Then my phone rang. It was Michael’s sister, Joan, and the car’s speaker blasted her voice for Michael to hear. Usually, I like to talk, hang out and travel with Joan. But this time I was not crazy about the conversation. Joan asked if […]

The Milk Runner
Stopped by flashing lights After a leisurely hike with a friend recently, I was traveling home on a busy rural road when dreaded flashing lights stopped my progress. My car was in front of a line of traffic moving toward the bus, and as I slowed to stop, I noticed a long line of headlights […]

Hanging with Kamala
Only a fraction of smart Senator Kamala Harris has been in the news lately as she rolled through press events to showcase her run for US President. Seeing the Senator reminded me of a hot July day in Los Angeles in 2015 when I stood beside her. I was feeling like a fraction of a […]

Walking Devotion
In the nearly 25 years that I’ve walked the streets and trails in my neighborhood, I’ve watched partnerships changing. People begin to walk without a life companion. An old dog gets left at home. A friend steadies a neighbor whose gait has become unsure. Change happens, and we are left to cope. That’s the way […]

OMG when did this happen?
The shock came when I took a selfie to document a small place on my nose that felt scratchy and hadn’t seemed to heal for a while. I planned the “before” picture as evidence to see if I could improve the little spot by more careful application of lotion or other self-treatments. If it didn’t change […]